Hello, Luminous Woman

Your exclusive invite to fast track your growth over the next 90 days

The Luminous 90-Day Growth Execution Mastermind is designed to fast-track your results and help you make focused and substantial progress over a period of 90 days.

Armed with your Growth Execution Plan, you go into your week with incredible clarity and focus. You no longer feel overwhelmed. You wake up each morning and operate with deliberate intention because you already know exactly what you need to do for the day.

The End Result Is Simple: Consistently Turn Your Goals and Ideas Into Concrete Result.

How will the 90-Day Mastermind help you achieve your Growth Goals?

A Clear and Detailed Execution Plan

Have you ever spent several minutes in front of Netflix trying to decide what to watch, and you soon ran out of patience and gave up or settled for just anything?

A lot of us have! That's because lack of clarity creates indecision...and indecision leads to abandoned goals!

When you enrol in the 90-Day Mastermind, we work with you to design a comprehensive Growth Execution Plan, so you start every week with incredible clarity and focus because you know exactly what you need to do to move you forward.

Your Personalised Growth Execution Plan will include:

A clearly defined area of focus
An execution plan
A weekly schedule of action tasks
A personalised scriptural declaration to daily inject supernatural life into your journey.

The Multiplying Power of Sisterhood

To achieve anything meaningful in life, you have to "deliberately seek the company of people who influence you to think and act on building the life you desire.” – Napoleon Hill

So, in the Mastermind, we place you in an accountability pod (a small group of Luminous women led by a Luminous Accountability Champion). Within that pod, we also pair you with an accountability partner.

Confidence Booster Sessions

The biggest reason most people abandon their pursuits is not because they don't have the desire or the resources needed to achieve it...they simply forget about it!

Truly, out of sight is out of mind.

In the Mastermind, we meet virtually every fortnight to keep your goal front of mind and boost your confidence in its fulfilment. At every meeting we'll learn together, track goals, review progress, celebrate wins and plan the next fortnight.

It is a wonderful opportunity to engage in open conversations with your Accountability Champion and fellow Luminous Rockstars to help you:

Organise your thoughts.
Break down your goals into realistic action steps for the next fortnight.
Encourage you to schedule time on your calendar to carry out those steps.
Track your results and progress.

Enrolment closes Tuesday 14th May, so claim your seat now!

Your Host: Olawunmi Brigue

founder, Luminous

Join Olawunmi and the Luminous Accountability Champions as they walk hand in hand with you over the next 90 days to go much farther and faster than you would have on your own.